
2025.03.14 Fri  . [PR] .


2010.01.27 Wed  .  . randomland
2010.01.27 Wed  .  . clothes and shoes and...
martin margiela
2010.01.26 Tue  .  . clothes and shoes and...
2010.01.24 Sun  . zurich . photography

"I borrowed a tilt-shift lens a few days ago for an on-going project because I wanted to capture Zurich in an unique way. Usually you use this lens to get a bigger depth of field while maintaining a large aperture, but this wasn't my intention. So how come that a city suddenly looks like a model making?
When we see things from afar, we are used to see everything sharp and in focus. Now when suddenly there is such a narrow depth of field, our brain tricks us into thinking that these photographs were taken with a macro lens and that we are looking at a miniature model. There is no Photoshop involved except for adjusting the contrast and saturation."
2010.01.24 Sun  .  . art & music
2010.01.24 Sun  .  . randomland
2010.01.24 Sun  .  . randomland
2010.01.23 Sat  .  . wisdom and such

I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.
- Marilyn Monroe
2010.01.23 Sat  . from NAGARE . randomland
オリハルコン ‐ 伝説の金属 ‐




(「流れ」 より)

Orichalcum  - the legendary metal -

Don't underestimate yourself

To say nothing of diamond,

You may even be Orichalcum.

2010.01.23 Sat  .  . clothes and shoes and...
2010.01.20 Wed  .  . photography
2010.01.20 Wed  . vivienne westwood men - fall 2010 . clothes and shoes and...

2010.01.19 Tue  . vogue germany feb 2010 . clothes and shoes and...

2010.01.19 Tue  . $2.7 m . goods


2010.01.18 Mon  . ebony bones - the muzik . art & music

2010.01.17 Sun  .  . clothes and shoes and...
2010.01.17 Sun  .  . clothes and shoes and...

2010.01.17 Sun  .  . randomland

by 藤原紀香

2010.01.16 Sat  . NAGARE . book




in a certain unique sense, this book made the infrastructure of me as a person

it just made sense to me...
if i believed in any religion, this book might be my holy book

it is like the old, childhood memory, that i will never want to forget
it will stay with me forever

i will share some of his poems and random talks on here

stay fly, xx
2010.01.16 Sat  .  . wisdom and such

2010.01.15 Fri  . kelis . randomland
2010.01.15 Fri  . loft living . interior designs &..
2010.01.15 Fri  . la femme . interior designs &..
2010.01.15 Fri  . space . interior designs &..

2010.01.15 Fri  . american casual in japan . clothes and shoes and...




A dream is a wish your heart makes. When you're fast asleep. In dreams you lose your heartaches. Whatever you wish for, you keep. Have faith in your dreams and someday. Your rainbow will come smiling thru. No matter how your heart is grieving. If you keep on believing. the dream that you wish will come true.
etsuko fly . re-birth