
2025.03.14 Fri  . [PR] .


2009.04.13 Mon  . i imagine . randomland
i imagine there will be no paper textbook in near future
i imagine there will be no pencil, no erasers, no highlighters

i imagine

i imagine no lecture, no teacher and no school
no paper magazine, no shopping malls, and no bus ride
i imagine no conversation, no meeting face-to-face, no movement

i imagine

i imagine there will be no organic, no hunt, no survival and no physical
i imagine no travelling, no waiting, no negotiating - and arguing through eyes

i imagine

i imagine four numb senses, 
i imagine inside view, no outside view
i imagine no breeze, no rain, no tan and no beach

i imagine 

i imagine no words and unexpressed feelings
i imagine fake voices and manipulating messages

i imagine

i imagine increasing contact lenses, glasses and magnifying glasses
i imagine smaller labtops and more TV Shopping
i imagine late people and lazy people

....i imagine future to be very sad 

i imagine no smell, no touch, no taste and no true sound
i imagine day and night switch

i imagine

i imagine La maison en Petits Cubes for real
i imagine decadence....

i imagine conflict and absolute impossibleness of peace

i imagine....

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